Parameters of miniature DC relay

Coil DC resistance: The resistance value of the coil measured with a multimeter.

Rated operating voltage or current: This refers to the voltage or current value of the coil when the relay is operating normally. Sometimes, the manual only provides the rated operating voltage or current, in which case the unknown current or voltage can be calculated using Ohm’s Law: I=U/R, U=IxR, where R is the DC resistance of the relay coil.Pickup voltage or current: This refers to the minimum voltage or current at which the relay is able to engage.

If only the pickup voltage is applied to the coil of the relay, the engagement may not be reliable. Generally, the pickup voltage is around 75% of the rated operating voltage.Release voltage or current: This is the voltage value at which the relay transitions from the engaged state to the released state when the voltage across the relay terminals decreases to a certain value.

The release voltage is much lower than the pickup voltage, usually around 1/4 of the pickup voltage.Contact load: This refers to the voltage and current values that the relay contacts can withstand during switching.

Post time: Aug-08-2023